"School Lunch" Cookie Boxes

Regular price $26.90
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The pet peeve of every parent, caregiver, older sibling or younger and anyone who has been tasked by the forces that be to prepare and pack a school lunch. Thankfully peanut butter, some sort of jam and white bread make this drag of a chore less cerebral. We all grew up with PB&J sammies not out of love but necessity. Maximum calories for minimum bucks.
But life is good sometimes, and one of the best taste experiences in our opinion is a PB&J sandwich. We put on our aprons and beanies (as for some reason winter is getting colder in Auckland and houses aren't very well insulated) and got creating. This cookie takes us back to our childhood. To the good old days of corporal punishment, smoking in planes and single gender bathrooms.
'School lunch" is created from premium dark chocolate, premium peanut butter, strawberry preserve and signature Brave the Crave cookie dough.