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"Brookie Peanut Butter" Cookie Boxes

"Brookie Peanut Butter" Cookie Boxes

Regular price $24.90

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only -5 left in stock

Sometimes genes skip a generation or two. The Brookie is the opposite of our Crownie. It has a brownie mum and a cookie dad. Except mum's genes aren't that strong. But it turns out dad is a carrier of a recessive gene that has been expressed as phenotype Brookie Peanut Butter due to mum also being a carrier of that same recessive gene. No need to google any of the jargon here. Simply put our Brookie Peanut Butter is that kid who for no apparent reason - other than a genetic mutation - is better than every single one of his siblings and peers. A gifted prodigy child. The perfect recipe

"Brookie Peanut Butter" is created from premium dark chocolate, premium peanut butter, signature Brave the Crave dark cookie dough.


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